Sheebah Karungi Completely Ignorant About Using #TBF.

Sheebah Karungi Completely Ignorant About Using HashTags.

Sheebah Karungi Completely Ignorant About Using #TBF.
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Have you ever scrolled through your Instagram or any other social network and saw a hashtag you weren’t quite familiar with? #MCM #FBF ##TBT ?? Don’t worry because you are not alone. 

Sheebah Karungi is with you in the same school of ignorance!--- am I sounding so hard on the Go Down Low singer? Perhaps, NO!.

Today, Sheebah took to instagram and shared a photo that was taken last week as “#TBF ...on stage...#CAIRO . I enjoyed every bit of you!”

#TBF ...on stage...#CAIRO I enjoyed every bit of you!

A photo posted by SHEEBAH KARUNGI (@sheebahricherthisyear) on

Well, the photo was taken last week while Sheebah had to Cairo, Egypt for a performance….

Sheebah, here are some meanings of such hash tags, that you just misuse…..

Tutorial to Sheebah:

Social networks have now taken over every day of the week.  From ‘Man Crush Monday’ to ‘Selfie Sunday’ here is a list of the most famous hashtags for every day of the week.

#MCM: “Man Crush Monday”
This hashtag allows individuals to spill their hearts out about a male in which they think…”is the sexiest human being EVER!!!” Some famous, and some not. Other Monday hashtags include: #motivationmonday, #mondayblues, #manicmonday, #manicuremonday, #musicmonday

#TT: “Transformation Tuesday”
This day is just the beginning of “old school” pictures from friends and family.  Most people will post pictures of themselves before and after they lost weight, got a new hair style, had kids, etc.  Some people may even post pictures of their cars, houses, or lawns after a huge transformation.

#WBW: “Way back Wednesday”
And here we have yet another excuse to bring out old pictures of family and friends to either embarrass them or prove to everyone that at one point in your life you were totally hot or cute!

#WCW: “Woman Crush Wednesday”
A sequel to “Man Crush Monday” but this time you spill your heart out about a female in which you would “totally make my wife!!” or if you’re a girl talking about another girl you wish you “totally looked like her!!” On this day Victoria Secret models usually flood my news feed -_- and it’s usually girls crushing on other girls.. c’mon men get with the hashtag program here!!
*Other Wednesday hashtags include: #humpday, #wellnesswednesday, #wednesdaywisdom

#TBT: “Throwback Thursday”
Now ladies and gentlemen, THIS is the hashtag that started it all.  People use this day to bring out old high school pictures (where they looked good and their friends didn’t) and tag everyone in the photos to take a stroll down memory lane.  Others will pop out with old baby photos of themselves to  get that “aweeeeee you were so cute!!” comment.

#FBF: “Flashback Friday”
Now as if you haven’t seen enough “old school” pictures of your friends and family, social networks felt as if we all just needed just one more day to reminice on our past. So they created another day where you could “Flashback” on the good ole’ times through pictures with family and friends. These pictures should be at least one year old.

So I guess when it came to this day not many people were able to come up with words that rhymed with Saturday. So I think of this day as a rest day! But I was able to find a few Saturday hashtags you might be interested in….
#Caturday: I guess if you’re in love with your cats feel free to show them off every single Saturday!
#Saturdayswag: Feel free to never use this one…. unless you want to be deleted by all your followers!

And Finally we have Sunday…. The day in which everyone should be at church or with family recovering from the weekend shenanigans. BUT thanks to social networks that’s impossible if you want to keep up with the times!
#SundayFunday: Some people use this to show themselves hanging out with family having a  nice dinner or cookout, and then when the sun goes down….. #sundayfunday has a whole different meaning!
#SelfieSunday : The one day out of the week where you wont be frowned upon if you take millions of “Selfie” pictures. Just make sure to attach this hashtag to your pictures or else you’ll be labeled conceited, vein, stuck up, ect.
#Sinday: And last but not least… what better day to use this hashtag than on the day we are supposed to try our hardest not to sin.

Sheebah thanks for learning.

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